The approach to this learning experience is a participatory one. This means that you will be responsible, together with our fellow classmates, facilitators and staff of the Workers’ College for your own development.
The Labour Economics Programme is structured as Higher Certificate in Labour Economics (HCLE). The programme is premised on the ground that collective bargaining is fundamentally an economic activity that aims at improving workers conditions of work. It aims at developing workers’ representatives and community activists’ knowledge on workplace issues with specific focus on their relationship to economics. The core subjects that constitute the programme are the following:
It is recommended that newly elected trade union and community’s representatives complete some short courses or go through a process of recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment…
Other new or emerging topical issues such the Fourth Industrial Revolution and COVID-19 and various workers-initiated subjects may be developed as ‘fit-for-purposes’ modules and added in the structure of the programme. This can be done taking into account the flexibility of the programme which allow up to 40% of restructuring with new subjects.